Antelope Conservation has been developed and is growing in cooperation and with kind support of many partners, sponsors and volunteers.




The NGO is supported by:
- The rector of CZU Prague prof. Ing. Petr Sklenička, CSc.
- The quaestor of CZU Prague Ing. Jakub Kleindienst
- The dean of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences prof. dr. ir. Patrick Van Damme
For international support and cooperation, our thanks belongs to:
Edward Richard William Stanley, 19th Earl of Derby - Knowsley Estate, Prescot
David Mallon - Co-Chair Antelope Specialist group IUCN SSC
Mark Stanley Price - IUCN SSC Species Conservation Planning Sub-committee
Rob Ogden - TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network & The University of Edinburgh
Thomas Rabeil - UNESCO & Wild Africa Conservation
Sander Hofman - Antelope & Giraffid Taxon Advisory Group, EAZA
Meyer de Kock - Environmental Conservation Consultancy
Kate Burns - Al Bustan Zoological Centre
Jens-Ove Heckel - Zoo Landau
Laure Pelletier - Beauval Nature
Eveline de Wolf - Knowsley Safari
Bridget Murray (Johnson) - Knowsley Safari
Our special thanks belong to:
- Ing. Miloslav Machálek, Ambassador at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Senegal
- Lenka Pokorná, chargé d'affaires at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Senegal between 2014 and 2017
- Miroslav Zámečník
- Jana Hladíková and Petr Stejskal
- Míša Filipová
- Tom Jůnek (, Michal Varga, Jana Ptačinská Jirátová
- Jiří Váhala and Roman Vodička
- Prof. Ing. Jiří Balík, CSc., rector of the CZU Prague between 2010 and 2018
- Ing. Jan Banout, Ph.D. , dean of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences CZU Prague between 2013 and 2021
For cooperation in Senegal we thank:
- The success of Western giant eland population management would not be possible without whole year work of the Society for the Protection of Environment and Fauna in Senegal (SPEFS), represented by Lucien Haddad, Jacques Rezk and Georges Rezk; the managers of Bandia and Fathala reserves, namely Souhel Fourzoli, Willem Burger, Arnold Neethling, Christophe Dering and Christoff Marais; and the staff of Bandia and Fathala reserves.
- We thank our Senegalese partners at the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development namely the former minister Abdoulaye Baldé and the minister Mame Thierno Dieng; the Directorate of National Parks of Senegal, namely Souleye Ndiaye, Mallé Gueye, Mamadou Daha Kane, all the guides and rangers in the Niokolo Koba National Park and Delta du Saloum National Park.
- We are also grateful for important scientific collaboration with Senegalese specialists from the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (UCAD), namely the rector of UCAD Ibrahima Thioub.
- We must not forget the concern of the deputies from Réseau des Parlementaires pour la Protection de l'Environnement au Sénégal.
For help with creation of the Memorandum of understanding between the ministries of environment of the Czech Republic and Senegal we thank:
- Ing. Michal Pastvinský, Ing.
Vladimír Dolejský, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Mach, Mgr. Veronika Vilímková, Ing. Blanka Benešová, Ing.
Petra Ptáčková and others.
For long therm cooperation we thank:
- Markéta Antonínová, Alena Divišová, Tomáš Hovorka, Pavel Hulva, Jakub Jaroš, Zdeňka Kostik-Šubrová, Radim Kotrba, Ivan Hájek, Peter Lupták, Ondřej Máca, Jana Mazancová, Zuzana Mihálovová, Jakub Michalko, Josef Pírek, Lenka Poliaková, Jana Rácová, Jan Robovský, Jan Svitálek, Vladimír Verner, Vlasta Vlková, Jan Volf, František Zouhar, studenti gymnázia Karlín a paní učitelky Jana Jeřábková and Petra Leibl.
We thank Al Bustan Zoological Centre (ABZC) for financial support of Derbianus Conservation. ABCZ is private zoo located in Sharjah in the UAE. ABZC strive to be a sustainable zoo, based on sound conservation principles and ethics. It is promoting education, conservation breeding and research. See more at:
We thank all volunteers, who were actively involved:
- Lucie Ackermann Blažková, Tereza Beckeová, Anna Bernátková, Carlos Castillo Goméz, Petr Fedorov, Kateřina Gašparová, Nina Grúňová, Zuzana Holubová, Jiří Hrubý, Sabina Jonášová, Kristýna Kasnarová, Marie Madziová, Karla Musialová, Viktor Neštický, Míša Kopřivová Stejskalová, Markéta Swiacká, Markéta Švejcarová, Eliška Švihlová, Gabriela Vičanová and others.